Gardener's diary - January gardening

January Gardening
Our Guide to January Gardening. After the holidays it is great to get back out in the garden, as long as the weather is kind!

January is an important month in the calendar, with lots of maintenance needed to protect your plants and trees.

Hardy Perennials

If you want to raise hardy perennials then now is the time to order the seeds. Preparation of labels, stakes and canes and maintaining equipment can all be done now.

Weather permitting, continue with routine jobs outside. Check that the roots are still firm on newly planted perennials.

Hardy Annuals

If you have a heated greenhouse you can sow Begonias and Antirrhinums. If not then it is better to wait until later.


Check root balls after frosts and firm in if the plant is not secure.


Protect any plants that you didn't protect already. After heavy snow shake the leaves off evergreens to prevent damage.


Protect new buds on flowering trees from birds using netting. Before buds begin to swell apply a winter wash to prevent pests and kill eggs. Only do this if there is no frost or snow. Protect grass and evergreens from the spry, as they may scorch.


Rake out debris such as fallen leaves from underneath established hedges to expose grubs which birds will deal with naturally.

Yew and privet can be improved tremendously by cutting back severely, if they have become thin or straggly. Providing weather is mild enough you can cut back to within 15cm (6 inches) of the main stems.

Roots can also be cut back if they are intruding into a border or a neighbouring garden.


Gently shake off snow from leaves, taking care not to break the brittle stems.

Bulbs and Corms

Remove protection from bulbs as some will soon be ready for flowering.

Bulbs in frames need air during the day but protection from cold during the night. Do not water if temperature is below freezing.

For new gardens, mark the position of bulbs coming through so you can find them and move them later in the year.


Some early flowering plants will now be on display in unheated houses and frames. Continue with watering and ventilation as for

December. The same applies to heated houses.

Continue with routine tasks outside.


As for November and December.

Plants that are in flower in January

Annuals and Biennials:

  • Viola

Border Perennials:

  • Helleborus niger
  • Iris stylosa

Rockery Perennials:

  • Polygonum vaccinifolium


  • Cyclamen coum
  • Eranthis
  • Galanthus
  • Iris (Reticulata group)


  • Chimonanthus praecox
  • Erica carnea
  • Erica darleyensis
  • Garrya elliptica
  • Hamamelis mollis
  • Jasminum nudiflorum
  • Lonicera fragrantissima
  • Viburnum bodnantense
  • Viburnum fragrans
  • Viburnum tinus


  • Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis'

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