Top 10 indoor air purifying plants

indoor air purifying plants
Indoor plants were often, and still are, chosen for their appearance and their decorative ability to improve the mood of a room.

Plants were previously picked to match or contrast with the colour of the walls and furniture of a setting, so that a particular atmosphere was created. A number of indoor plants may have been chosen for their colour, whether they flowered, or for their shape and size.

In other cases, they may have been selected because they required little attention and were easy to care for, which would be more appropriate for a busy office or some kind of showroom.

Indoor air cleaners

Modern scientific research has discovered however, that many indoor plants act as indoor air cleansers and purifiers, as they are capable of absorbing harmful substances and chemicals through their leaves.

It has been proven that this act removes or lessons indoor air pollutants and actually makes the inside atmosphere more healthy.

This in turn can energise and invigorate the room's inhabitants and also reduce any tiredness or fatigue, which is extremely important in a busy office setting for example.

For this reason, nowadays, indoor plants are often chosen for their air purifying abilities, in many cases above their appearance.

Most common pollutants

Many modern day offices and homes have been built so that heat and air is tightly sealed within the interior in order to save on heating and energy. As a result, many toxins and air pollutants are also trapped within. In addition, furniture for these new offices and homes also contains numerous chemicals and harmful substances, which also adds to the problem. Prolonged exposure to these substances can adversely affect one's health, which has given rise to the name "Sick Building Syndrome".

There are three major substances that are potentially harmful to a person's health that are commonly found inside one's home, office or building. A number of indoor plants have been found to substantially lesson or remove quantities of one or a few of these chemicals when they are placed indoors for a certain period of time.


This chemical is found in practically all homes and offices. Modern day office furniture contains formaldehyde, as do many paper products and cleaning substances. Some studies have shown that formaldehyde causes irritation of the eyes, throat and nose and can even cause headaches, asthma and throat cancer.


Benzene is a solvent that is found in many products including paint and rubber. At best, exposure to certain amounts of benzene can cause itchy eyes, skin rashes and headaches, but at worst, it is thought that this chemical may be linked to dizziness, respiratory ailments, kidney and liver damage, heart irregularities and much more.


It is thought that this industrially used chemical can cause cancer of the liver after long-term and continual exposure. This substance is often used in the printing and dry-cleaning industries.

Top 10 indoor air-cleansing plants

Below is a list and some basic information on each of the ten best rated indoor plants for removing pollutants and toxins from the air.

Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm is one of the most effective plants at filtering the air and removing the toxins from it. In addition it is a very attractive plant with its dark green, spindly leaves and its tropical appearance. It does well as an indoor plant, and thrives in an atmosphere with bright, indirect lighting. The bamboo plant requires little attention, but care should be taken not to over water or under water either.


The philodendron is always a popular choice for indoor environments due to its vibrant, dark-green, large, heart-shaped leaves. This plant is particularly effective in removing formaldehyde from the air. The philodendron can grow in a medium artificial light and likes to be watered well, although before each watering the soil should be relatively dry.

Green Spider Plant

The spider plant is one of the top performing indoor plants when it comes to improving the inside air quality and the removal of toxins. It is particularly efficient at ridding the atmosphere of formaldehyde, yet it also removes a considerable amount of carbon monoxide, as well as releasing plenty of oxygen into the air. The spider plant is extremely easy to care for and very low maintenance. It thrives in a medium - bright indirect light, should be fertilised twice a year and watered when necessary. It makes an ideal hanging plant.

Peace Lily

The peace lily is a beautiful looking plant that produces white flowers when mature. It is the best indoor plant at removing all three of the major indoor pollutants. The peace lily can sit in the shade and survive well in poor lighting conditions. Little care is needed apart from a weekly watering.

English Ivy

English ivy is a climbing vine that is particularly efficient at removing benzene and formaldehyde from the air. It requires a medium indirect light and water when dry. Due to its poisonous nature when ingested, this plant should be kept in hanging baskets around the house, away from children and animals. English ivy is very aggressive and invasive and therefore should be pruned regularly and prevented from getting out of hand.

Golden Pothos

The golden pothos is a tropical vine that is commonly known as "devil's ivy". It is fast growing and perfect for planting in hanging baskets. These plants should not be placed in direct sunlight, as they prefer a low indirect light to grow well. The golden pothos is known for its attractive green leaves that are splashed with bright yellow streaks. It is very effective at ridding the atmosphere of benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.


The chrysanthemum is one of the most beautiful flowering plants and is always a very popular addition to any home. There are approximately 30 varieties that come in a range of vibrant colours including red, white, purple and yellow. The chrysanthemum should be placed in an area that is brightly lit and it should be watered regularly. These flowers are excellent at absorbing and removing benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene from the air.

Snake Plant

The snake plant is a great plant to add to your office or home. It requires little attention and can grow in all types of lighting conditions, although it does prefer a bright light. The plant should be watered as soon as the soil becomes dry. It is extremely attractive with its sword-shaped thick leaves that resemble snakes rising from their baskets. As well as ridding the air of formaldehyde it is also effective at absorbing nitrogen oxide.

Dracaena (Dragon Tree)

The dragon tree plant has dark green leaves that are long and spindly. This plant can and should be placed in a dimly lit area otherwise the leaves have a tendency to wilt, which is perfect for buildings with few or small windows. It is very good at removing benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen plant comes in a number of varieties and bright colours, making it an attractive addition to any home. As well as its eye-catching appearance, distinct colours and patterned leaves, it also acts particularly well as an air filter and cleanser, removing large quantities of benzene and formaldehyde from the air. This species of plant is easy to care for and can survive in a wide range of lighting environments.

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